Take a first step
towards the body of your dreams!




78000 NGN

39000 NGN

The ingredients of FLASH
are natural
and completely harmless!

Sweet pepper fruit extract 0.05ml

Capsicum annuum

helps stimulate metabolism by activating a rapid chain of events in the body that help to burn fat and break it down in the body

Arabian coffee 0.02ml

Coffea arabica

contains several plant compounds called polyphenols that burn visceral fat loss

Ivy bael 0.05ml

Hedera helix

is a natural low calorie sweetener

Peppermint 0.05ml

suppresses appetite and reduces cravings

Nilgiri leaf 0.05ml

Eucalyptus globulus

helps alleviate stress and anxiety which are directly connected to overeating and weight gain

Rockweed 0.05ml

Fucus vesiculosus

speeds up the metabolism and promotes weight loss

Devdar needle extract 0.01ml

Abies sibirica

releases stress and calms down

Laminaria 0.025ml

Laminaria digitata

regulates metabolism and other physiological functions throughout the body

Bankhor 0.025ml

Aesculus hippocastanum

helps balance blood sugar and ensures the body absorbing starches slowly

Horse tail plant extract 0.025ml

Equisetum arvense

helps to burn localized fat and help with the elimination of fluids that can cause weight gain

You HAVE to try

FLASH because:


Provides rapid fat reduction on the abdomen and thighs in just 2 weeks

02 Accelerates fat burning
03 Interferes with digestion of the fats and the starch coming from food
04 Suppresses the formation of new fat cells
05 Accelerates metabolism and provides additional energy
06 Contains valuable nutrients needed by women
07 The effect is noticeable after taking the course
08 Suppresses hunger and significantly reduces appetit

How does FLASH work?

1 week

removes fluid from the body

2 week

the fat starts to burn

3 week

you can see visible results


Suspension in single doses FLASH contains a complex of plant components, which in symbiosis show amazing results in the fight against excess weight. The carefully studied and scientifically proven weight loss ingredient FLASH works fast to help you double your weight loss and, most importantly, it helps you burn more fat than muscle as you transform

FLASH doesn’t cause side effects and doesn’t contain harmful or synthetic substances that are difficult to absorb.

The unique and balanced ingredients of "FLASH" prevent the deposition of reserve fat. It promotes the rapid breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and their removal from the body. It activates enzymes that improve the digestion process, accelerates metabolism, improves lipid metabolism (fats do not linger and are not deposited in the liver).


Barbara Nacino, Health expert

Suggested usage

Method 1:

1 bottle per day on an empty stomach in its purest form.

Method 2:

dissolve 1 bottle in 250 ml of water and take 1 suspension per day on an empty stomach.



78000 NGN

39000 NGN*

Do not wait! Order your package at a 50% discount now!

78000 NGN

39000 NGN*

*The price is mentioned for 1 pack only

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