Kenya's genius student teams received the highest award for inventing International medical supplements to prevention of diabetes.


Autumn 2022 European Congress of Endocrinology Expert witnessed a very important event. The attendees at this congress gave a standing ovation for 10 minutes to a team that is standing on the stage. They propose the use of a unique formula that can prevención diabetes.

The team found this wonderful idea later developed by a number of institutions of science Kenya. The specialists of the Institute of Medicine, Kenya and many other scientists involved in the development of this formula. Now this product has been completed and shows outstanding results.

How does this new formula could save the lives of millions of people of Kenya and why this formula can be available at a 50% discount? This topic will be the subject of our discussion today.

Our reporter managed to interview the team members Lit Khumalo.

Reporter: Lit, your name is included in the 10 most intelligent medico worldwide. Why did you decide to focus on researching and studying about diabetes?

Actually I do not feel comfortable talking about it in public, because I am actually a very personal motivation. Several years ago, my mother died of diabetes. In fact, diabetes is a disease oncogenic. The surge in blood sugar levels are ongoing to encourage the emergence of free radicals, which can lead to the emergence of malignant tumors or cancer. When the doctor finally realized my mother's condition was too late. This was the beginning of my studies various things associated with diabetes and how to prevención them. I was surprised to learn that most of the pills sold in pharmacies contain harmful chemicals that will only aggravate the condition of the patient. In fact, my mother used to have to take these supplement every day.

That's why I only focus research on this topic over the last three years. When working on a thesis for my graduation, I found a new method to prevention of diabetes, the current method is discussed a lot of people. Of course, at that time I realized that I had found a method that is completely new, but I have no idea if this method will attract the attention of so great from many parties.

Whichever side you mean?

As soon as information about new diabetes prevention methods is published, I immediately received many offers to sell a patent on my idea. First, I was offered amounted to 120 thousand euros by a French company. Then last offer came from pharmaceutical companies who offered me money amounting to 35 million dollars. I received a lot of offers to sell the results of my development to the point that I have to change phone numbers. In addition, I also deleted my account on various social media, it is very annoying at all.

As far as I know, you still have not sold the formula, right?

Of course not. It might sound strange, but I did not invent this formula so that foreigners can benefit from it. Just imagine what would happen if I sell it to a foreign company? They will receive an exclusive license, get rid of the competitors, and raise prices. I may be young, but not stupid. In this situation, the Kenya people like you and I sure could not afford to buy it. One of the doctors who come from abroad told me that these products should be valued no less than 3,000 dollars. Seriously? Who can afford in Kenya for three thousand dollars or forty million?

Therefore, when I get an offer to develop this product for the domestic market I immediately accepted. We are working with the best endocrinologist and for me this is a very valuable experience.

Dr. Tamara Odeyemi, a specialist of Specialist Doctors Association of Kenya, renowned and highly qualified endocrinologist involved as project coordinator. We ask for comments on this new formula and plan for the future.

Reporter: How can we know if we have diabetes? What exactly is the idea behind the invention of Lit Khumalo?

First, let us recall briefly the causes of this disease. The main cause of diabetes is the autoimmune process that results in impaired immune system. The body produces antibodies that destroy pancreatic cells. Therefore, the glucose into the bloodstream, which gives a bad influence on all organs and tissues. The body begins to use fat to produce energy. As a result, too many toxic substances (ketone bodies) were issued, and metabolism of fat, protein, and minerals to be disturbed. This resulted in very serious consequences.

The symptoms of diabetes include: thirst, fatigue, frequent urination, dry mouth, fatigue, skin diseases, headaches, increased appetite, itching, drowsiness, poor healing wounds, and obesity.

Lit Khumalo invention provides a positive effect for patients with diabetes. The formula recover pancreas so the body can absorb the insulin produced by the organ well. In other words, this formula completely prevención the root cause of diabetes. It takes the efforts of many doctors and professionals in the medical field, but finally we managed to not only keep blood sugar levels under control, but also helps prevent the most dangerous complications of diabetes, which is the main danger of this disease. GlucoPro patients gradually improved and eventually become fully healthy. Therefore, from this formula we create a powerful supplement that can prevention of diabetes at any stage.

Reporter: Does diabetes really as dangerous as it was?

Nowadays diabetes is considered as one of the most dangerous diseases and there is a reason. In fact, diabetes is a deadly disease that is slowly killing the sufferer. In any situation of this disease always end up miserable. As for the complications can be grouped into several categories.

First, the most famous GlucoPro complications is GlucoPro coma, necrosis of the hands and feet, gangrene, blindness, impotence, ketoacidosis, and hypoglycemia. Typically, all of this emerged during the development of diabetes and is often fatal, although in some cases the patient can be saved. As for the necrosis of the hands and feet, in most cases will end up with a disability.

Second, high blood sugar levels (above 4.9 mmol / liter) quickly damage organs. This means that the life span of the heart, liver, kidneys and all other internal organs was reduced several fold. This resulted in the emergence of various diseases of internal organs caused by high blood sugar levels. In addition, at any time, one can experience organ failure caused by a surge in blood sugar levels.

And no less important, as already mentioned earlier Lit Khumalo, diabetes is a disease oncogenic. One out of three patients with diabetes, sooner or later will become a cancer patient.

Reporter: But what about the diabetes prevention? Are there not many supplements available for people with diabetes?

A large number of supplement are the problem. In most cases, GlucoPro patients prescribed supplement therapy. In some cases, insulin must be combined with other supplement. But the problem is that many supplement are useless for controlling blood sugar levels in the long term. Who do these supplement only lowers blood sugar alone. However, patients still suffer from blood sugar levels rise and fall quickly, which is of course very bad for the body. In addition, these supplement are not able to prevención the risk of complications. Efficacy of these supplement is actually just makes you feel healthier and prevent death in the near future. These supplement can not maintaining proper blood sugar levels at an affordable price. In this case Lit Khumalo true. If you look at the composition of the supplement on the pharmacy, all the specialists will tell you that supplement should only be used as a last resort.

Reporter: But the products will also be available at the pharmacy, right? How much it costs?

You probably know that once realized we succeeded in developing a product that really works, large pharmaceutical companies gathered around us. They also offered to buy the exclusive rights to Lit this supplement. But they do not intend to sell. Instead, they want to prevent the circulation of these products from the market. Supplements diabetes is a gold field in the worldwide pharmaceutical market. Just in the US alone, a supplement of this type result in billions of dollars. Our products can dramatically change the situation on the market. Because surely nobody would want longer spend money to buy useless supplements each month when they can drink series GlucoPro therapy and forget about high blood sugar levels forever.

Pharmacy chains work closely with pharmaceutical companies, and naturally, because both depend on the sale of supplements. Therefore they do not even want to hear about us or our products. Yet now this product is the only supplement that is officially recommended by the Institute of the Republic of Kenya to prevention of diabetes.

Reporter: Then, if the product is not available through a network of pharmacies, where people can get it?

We decided if a pharmacy does not want to cooperate with us, we will distribute it on their own without their help. We decided to create a direct distribution channel to sell GlucoPro, so we can avoid a chain of pharmacies as an intermediary. We chose the most practical option compared to all the other options available. All those who want to try GlucoPro have to order through the official web site by filling out the order form below. Then our consultants will contact you, give advice, and sending products. According to information from the manufacturer GlucoPro up to date there will be a attractive promotions. Today, almost anyone can access the Internet. Even people who do not have any computers often have a smartphone with Internet access. Thus, everyone can make reservations online.

All those who book until the date of will receive GlucoPro package with discounts up to 50%. It is our joint initiative with manufacturers GlucoPro to attract public attention to this highly effective supplement. We hope that word of mouth will work and all those who survived and so much healthier would recommend our products to their friends.

Reporter: What is the cost of production of this supplement?

The production costs of this product is more than KES 11980 per pack. We managed to establish an agreement with the Manufacturer GlucoPro to subsidize most of the cost of production. Fortunately, officials in charge of this business understands the importance of making this product available to the entire community of this country, and not just for a handful of elite. Instead, we are committed to not selling these supplements out of the country, because it exports these supplements are not allowed. This product is only intended for Kenya alone.

All those who order this product before can get an opportunity to buy at a price of KES 5990 GlucoPro.

GlucoPro order WITH UP TO 50% DISCOUNT

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My sugar levels seemed ok, but my mother sugar levels is problematic. My message to my mother. Hope this helps. Especially with the 50% discount.
Looks like I still have time to buy it for KES 5990 !
I read about this product in a medical journal. The article was written by a well-known specialist endocrinologist.
My message of this product is approximately 4 months ago. Initially I was hesitant. But the result was remarkable. I was still on a diet, but sometimes I am back to eating regular meals and everything was fine. When I measured the blood sugar levels, the results are within normal limits. I am very happy! Unfortunately, when I booked this before they have not offered any discount.
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