Defeat atherosclerosis
and high blood pressure!

Cardiline it is a natural remedy

  • Helps to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Helps reverse plaque formation
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Prevents the contraction of the vessels
4900 KES
9800 KES
The offer is valid until

Why is the health of the vessels important?

The vessels carry food substances and oxygen to the organs and tissues.

The increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood may indicate the formation of plaques in the glasses.

Plaques settle on the walls of the vessels and do not allow blood circulation or they completely clog it.

Not getting enough blood and oxygen, the organ stops working and as a result a heart attack or stroke occurs.

According to WHO data, vascular diseases and their consequences are the causes more than 30% of deaths in the world.

Timely care for the health of the vessels is the path to longevity, the preservation of health and life.

Get checked
What condition are your glasses in?

  • Sudden temporary weakness
  • Numbness of the limbs
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Short-term speech difficulty
  • Darkening in the eyes
  • Temporary dizziness
  • Chest pain
  • Sudden pains
    head compressors

If you have, even one of the above symptoms,

The natural remedy Cardiline

eliminates the 5 main causes of hypertension

Lower the pressure about the nervous system

It helps to get rid of treatment of cholesterol plaques

Positively influences the elasticity of the walls of the vessels.

Controls the level of cholesterol in the blood.

4900 KES
9800 KES
The offer is valid until

Consult with the specialist
and start taking the Cardiline remedy

Expert opinion

Hypertension is not only the elevation of pressure that can be lowered by taking a tablet. Be a state in which blood vessels stretch and thin and on their walls appear cholesterol sediments. As a result, this leads to a disruption of blood flow and to the malfunction of one or another organ.

In order not to allow sudden disruption of the functioning of vital organs, it is it is necessary to monitor the level of cholesterol and blood pressure. It is better to do this with the help of natural remedies. In our clinic we recommend Cardiline to patients.

This remedy has practically no contraindications. Active substances in its composition they complement each other making the supplement to be of maximum effectiveness.

Antonio García
Cardiosurgeon with 8 years of experience

What makes Cardiline so effective?

Nettle Extract

It allows the reduction of cholesterol from low levels in the blood and blocks the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels

Hawthorn Extract

Naturally reduces blood pressure, preventing the accumulation of sodium salts in cells and blood vessels.
Naturally reduces blood pressure, preventing the accumulation of sodium salts in cells and blood vessels.

Thiamin Complex

It removes toxins from the vessels and increases the elasticity of their walls.

Vitamin B6

It raises the resistance of the vessels, prevents the development of aneurysms.
It raises the resistance of the vessels, prevents the development of aneurysms.

Comments for Cardiline

Cardiline is the only remedy that helped me reduce pressure. Tablets do not they worked, the doctors did not know what to do. I was advised Cardiline a well-known cardiologist, who said nothing worse would happen. ¡¡And the capsules worked!!! Just in a week the pressure dropped to 110/70. Incredible!

Nafisa Arman, 61 years old

Ingestion of Cardiline helped me reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. The doctor said my glasses are now safe.

Rauf Akhmed , 78 years old

I did not believe that the supplement can help in anything. But I was tormented by my pain head, the tests showed a high level of cholesterol and stenocardia turned me crazy. If it wasn't Cardiline, I was probably expecting heart surgery.

Rauf Akhmed , 78 years old

I did not believe that the supplement can help in anything. But I was tormented by my pain head, the tests showed a high level of cholesterol and stenocardia turned me crazy. If it wasn't Cardiline, I was probably expecting heart surgery.

Naima Trewa, 72 years old

  • Method of use
  • - One tablet is taken in the morning before breakfast with a glass of water.
  • - In the evening before eating, take another capsule.
  • - Repeat every day for an entire calendar month!

Start worrying about your
own glasses, today!

With the natural remedy Cardiline

4900 KES
9800 KES
The offer is valid until
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