Men should no longer remain silent about dangerous symptoms. If prostatitis is recognized in time and elementary measures are taken, it is possible to avoid erectile dysfunction and premature death

Updated at 8:15 AM •

For 75% of men, loss of male strength leads to rapid aging within 10 years

Surveys and studies conducted on a wide audience show that the biggest concern for men suffering from complete or partial impotence is the inability to satisfy their beloved woman, despite the fact that the internal desire remains.

The unmet need leads to a state of depression and psychosomatic problems, which can lead to acute heart failure and precancerous conditions within the next 5–7 years.

How to recognize prostatitis? What should you pay attention to? What will happen if you ignore the issues? What should be done to prevent the development of prostatitis?

These and other questions are answered by Dr. Gelal Ademi, a urologist-andrologist, professor, member of the Professional Association of Andrologists of the African continent.

Dr. Gelal Ademi

-Please tell us, respected Dr. Gelal Ademi, how do men generally end up in your office? I know from myself and my acquaintances and relatives that a visit to a urologist is always a huge stress and fear. And people delay such visits until the last moment. And if we're talking about the loss of male strength... It's even more difficult here. It's almost like going to a doctor and saying, "You're not a man anymore." And it doesn't matter how old you are. It's very, very shameful...

-Husbands, regardless of age, are shy to talk about their problems at the urologist's appointment. But chronic prostatitis is unfortunately very common in men over 40. And the consequence of this disease is erectile dysfunction. It can manifest itself both at the beginning and in the development of the disease. And men tend to consider it a sign of anything but a problem with the prostate gland! They see the manifestation of the disease but do not try to help themselves. In many ways, as you rightly noted, they are ashamed of what is happening to them. It's an attempt to turn a blind eye to the truth.

- How does chronic prostatitis manifest itself?

-You feel weak, apathetic, sexual desire decreases, you sleep poorly, you often go to the restroom, there are unpleasant sensations in the genital area, morning erection has decreased or disappeared, occasionally there are discharges from the urethra — all these are alarming signals of the disease.

And not all together, but each of them. Even one symptom can indicate the onset of pathology.

Without treatment, the process will only develop and worsen, destroying men's health and self-confidence! When a man becomes dysfunctional in an intimate sense, not only libido decreases, but also social realization opportunities. An individual with reduced libido immediately loses status. No one openly talks about it. But the decrease in male strength is always a very rapid degradation in social and career terms. This happens in any society with causal roots at a very deep psycho-physical level and originates from animalistic instincts. The weak animals in nature have no opportunities to maintain leadership in the pack or pride. It's the same with humans. Alas.

- But men can help themselves, can't they?

-Of course. The first and most important thing is to look at yourself from the outside. Only by collecting your symptoms "in a pile" can you realize that you need a specialist consultation. Secondly, under no pretext convince yourself that everything will pass on its own. Such a position is a way to avoid the problem. Look for ways to solve it: consult a urologist, andrologist, sexopathologist.

- But haven't we talked about the fact that erection problems can still be caused by stress!

-Erection is a complex of processes related to the interaction of the nervous system and the blood vessels of the penis. That is, even after the diagnosis is made, you still need treatment not only for the underlying cause of the disease but also for the condition itself — erection problems. Therefore, after consulting a doctor about your illness, be sure to ask about a drug specifically for restoring erection. No treatment will give a quality result if you do not experience joy in the process! Do not avoid drugs to restore erection, they will help you believe in yourself.

- What helps with erectile dysfunction?

-The most effective direction is phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors. Regardless of the cause of the disease, these drugs are aimed at restoring erection. Moreover, they have a positive effect on the dynamics and quality of erection. The emergence of such drugs has been a breakthrough in the field of pharmacological treatment of erectile dysfunction. In 1994, the first molecule of sildenafil was synthesized, and already in 1998, the developers of the drug were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for this discovery! And now the most interesting part! I mentioned chemical, artificially synthesized substances. They, by the way, are the basis of all the most popular potency-enhancing drugs. An example is Viagra.

But science does not stand still! Some time ago, substances made entirely from natural plant components were synthesized in the laboratory. And these substances have all the advantages of the same phosphodiesterase, devoid of side effects, and enriched with unique properties to restore sexual function and permanently consolidate this effect. These ingredients excellently solve specific tasks.

For example, they improve blood circulation in the pelvic area, increase the activity and vitality of sperm. The latter is extremely important for men planning parenthood. And I emphasize that these natural substances do not harm the heart. Not at all.

- These drugs are probably not cheap...

Until recently, drugs of this group were approximately in the same price category — in the premium price segment. But the situation has changed. Since individual manufacturers were able, firstly, to obtain government grants, and secondly, financial support from private patrons. Thank God for such people. My favorite drug is Proman.

It is produced by a manufacturer I trust 100%. They have their own scientific developments, a whole pool of scientists, many of whom have European education, their own laboratory, and years of testing practice on volunteers. The company has excellent results in terms of the proven effectiveness of the Proman dietary supplement. It is available without a prescription and has no contraindications. And, of course, the price will please you!

- That's amazing! How quickly does Proman work?

A sustainable effect occurs after just one course of intake. 85% of patients note positive changes after the first week of use.

- Can you roughly describe the mechanism of action of this herbal complex? How does Proman work when it enters the male body?

After just one week of taking the drug, it manages to have a positive effect on testosterone levels and the entire process of spermatogenesis. With spermatozoa against the background of increased testosterone production, their ability to penetrate the egg cell increases. After 4 weeks, there are significantly more spermatozoa in the seminal fluid. They are more active and energetic. Parallel to these processes, there is an improvement in the condition of both the prostate, the cavernous bodies of the penis, and the entire reproductive system. Blood circulation improves by at least 55%. And stagnant phenomena in the pelvis are starting to disappear

And it is felt physically. Not only libido and erection improve, but also the quality of sexual intercourse reaches a new level. 65% of subjects noted that after 2 courses of taking the drug, their sexual activity increased to a level they had not even had in their youth.

That sounds amazing! You're instilling hope in men's hearts!

Can Proman be bought in Nigeria?

We contacted the Urology Center in Nigeria and learned about Proman. Doctors at the center confirmed that they have been actively using this drug lately in their work with patients for preventive purposes and along with other therapies. The results are very good.

Proman is not available in Nigerian pharmacies! This is due to the manufacturer's policy, which aims to make the supplement cheaper for citizens. To avoid intermediaries, resellers, costs in retail networks, and the like, the manufacturer releases the supplement directly through an official request, which can be sent online.

To get Proman, you need to:

Be in Nigeria. The complex is not shipped outside the country. Fill out and submit the application. In the form, indicate a valid phone number. A consultant will contact you to clarify the details of the delivery.

Receive Proman from the courier within 3-4 days and pay on the spot. Payment on delivery. You don't need to pay in advance!

Proman is not available in Nigerian pharmacies! This is due to the manufacturer's policy, which aims to make the supplement cheaper for citizens. To avoid intermediaries, resellers, costs in retail networks, and the like, the manufacturer releases the supplement directly through an official request, which can be sent online.

Important! Proman runs out very quickly! Clinics in all regions of the world buy it in large volumes for stationary treatment of patients as prophylactic support.

Currently remaining: 27 packages

Official application form

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If you want to order Proman, submit your application as soon as possible while the supplement is in stock!

All our readers receive an additional 50% discount on Proman. This is a promotional measure sponsored by the Urology Center.

The action is limited.

10 Commentaries


Hamza Abdullahi

I tried it. The drug is excellent. As a result, strong potency, long-lasting sexual intercourse. But the best thing is that I want sex more, and it brings more pleasure. This is my best purchase out of everything I've tried. Especially considering the price.



The drug is really good. I found out about it last month. I had potency problems for several years. I went through the Proman course, and my potency has been restored. I'm 61 years old. I don't feel my age. Very strong as a man now)))))) Can have multiple sexual acts in a row.


Aliyu Sani

A friend recommended Proman to me. A friend is a big fan of good sex. The drug works after 1 week. Cumulative effect. Cooler than Viagra. It's safe and restores sexual sphere without regression. I plan to take it for six months and then for preventive purposes for several more months a year.


Yahaya M

Thanks for the information! It's very relevant now. I've read a lot about Viagra. The main component of Viagra is sildenafil. This is a chemical substance that, when ingested into the human body, causes reactions that lead to the expansion of veins in the genital organs, which in turn leads to increased blood flow. So, in essence, Viagra does not affect potency or increase sexual desire, but there are several factors that can negatively affect health: from liver load to uncontrolled arterial hypertension (high blood pressure and stress on the heart). In general, I urgently need a replacement, and it seems I found it. I ordered Proman. I just don't understand why, if Viagra is so dangerous and harmful, it is advertised and sold in pharmacies!!! And why isn’t Proman advertised!!! Conspiracy of pharmacists and pharmacies!!!!


Suleiman 888

I took such a drug. This is something, guys. I have intense orgasms and can go 2-3 times in a row without a break.



I ordered it for my husband. Effect after 2 weeks. I'm thrilled! It's better than Viagra!



Proman is a great product! I completely agree. I have experience using it. I feel young again. I recommend it to everyone.


Abubakar Mustafa

I also took Proman. It works. I can have sex with multiple ejaculations in one encounter with a woman!



I am very grateful to you for this information. It's inexpensive. Excellent reviews. And there is a recommendation from a sexopathologist my husband consulted. The doctor said that the drug strengthens the overall immunity and has no side effects. On the contrary, it restores the sexual sphere and accumulates.



I take it for prevention. The relief it brings is invaluable.